Friday, December 27, 2013

A Facelift - A New Name

I'm not getting a facelift.  At least not until I'm 40.  And you already know, I'm changing my name come August. 

My blog will be undergoing a little facelift - and getting a new name! 

If you snoop around you can already see some changes taking place...

Why make changes now?
It turns out that Google holds the domain name of my blog (, and since the domain expired, they won't renew the license or give it up.  Evidently, Google is getting out the domain business.   

All the link-to's on my blog are broken - and my readership has thus plummeted (since I'm also no longer showing up on Google Search).  I could change the domain to .org or .net, but it's going to be a lot of work either way I go, so I figure I would just give the whole blog a facelift.

Didn't your Fiance just pay for have a designer set up the blog for you in 2012?
Well, yes.  It was such a thoughtful gift!  It really helped me get off the ground.  But now, I want to figure it out for myself.  So, I'm playing around with graphic design and html/java codes so that I can control my blog and not depend on someone else to do it for me.  Things will be a little crazy around here until I get a hang of it... I'll slowly be making renovations to the blog as I figure these things out.  So please be patient with broken links.  It will definitely take some time to work through all the kinks.  

Why change the name? 
When I first created this blog, I went with the first name that came to mind.  I had no real connection to the title.  It was new and I didn't know where it would take me.  Now that I've found a direction, I found a better name.  Something I can actually relate to!

Also, I don't really have a big following yet (most of my readers visit through Google Search or Pinterest) which means that I don't have a ton of subscribers.  If I'm going to change the name, this is a great time to do it!

And....I put more thought into it this time.  And I hope you like it!

I'll be back up and running full speed ahead soon - and hopefully, I'll be back even better!

See you soon,

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