Wednesday, December 5, 2012

This Is Not A Letter From Santa

With owning a home comes making some big decisions, including determining what is important and what is less of a priority. For example, let's just say that you have been saving for a bathroom renovation, and then you get a letter in the mail that could potentially delay that said bathroom renovation. Do you ignore that letter? Yes, folks. This is reality.

There is always a huge gap between needs and wants. At least when it comes to owning a home. Let me just say that I have very blessed that I have been able to purchase a home on my own, and I am incredibly proud of this. I love owning a home and I really wouldn't want it any other way.  I've done a good job in the past handling the needs and wants.  I put a new roof on my garage before I budgeted for my kitchen, I fixed a water leak before I finished the hardwood floors.  So, once again, I will have to do the practical thing.

I felt as if I did my homework when first purchasing my home.  I ordered the proper home inspection, had my brother check out the integrity of the roof, checked for moisture and past water damage in the basement, and called the city to see if there was ever a fire.  There were some things that needed attention, but overall, it was a stable home.  So when I received this in the mail on Monday I was confused.  And scared.  I have never opened a permit for electrical work on my house.
I'm not proud of this moment, but I honestly debated about ignoring this letter.  But then I realized I shouldn't mess with the city - they know where I live.  So I called the city, and sure enough, the homeowner in 2005 applied for an electrical permit to have a generator hook-up installed - which didn't pass inspection.  There were 7 violations that were found that day with the main disconnect and the subpanel and a follow-up inspection was never scheduled so the permit remained open.  7 violations.  This got my attention.

I figured that if the violations were found that day, maybe they still exist.  I knew there were 2 electrical related concerns that came up on my home inspection report done before I purchased the house.  But, it was the other 5 violations that concerned me, the ones I didn't know about. 

There is a typo on the letter above.  This is actually a homeowners work permit, not a contractor permit.  Which was the one part that scared me the most.  I've seen the work that this homeowner did...because I've had to fix it.  Now I'm not saying I'm a professional, but I am saying that I do it right, and if I don't know how to do it I hire someone who does.  If the flooring in my kitchen, the "walls" in the basement or the carpet installation is any indication of this "weekend warrior's" ability then I am in t-r-o-u-b-l-e.  Big time.

Psh - I wanted to blog about FUN projects.  Not boring mechanical replacements.  Who wants to read about an HVAC update or a cable installation.  Please accept my apologies.  You're going with me on this adventure.   

Inspection day is going to be a stressful one.  Bathroom renovation delayed until further notice.  Think positive thoughts :)


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