Get ready for a budget-friendly and pain-free basement renovation!
The to-do list is growing at a rapid pace. We got a little jump start on it today...
- Fix all electrical violations
- Map out new floor plan
- Install new lighting (needs to be flush with bottom of floor joist to give me max ceiling height)
- Paint ceiling (floor joists)
- Put up new framing
- Hang dry wall
- Paint walls
- Install access doors to water heater/furnace and both sump pumps
- Select all finishes (flooring, trim)
- Paint asbestos tiles (yes, PAINT!) in new laundry room
- Expand existing water closet to include sink
- Create workshop with pegboard
- Expand storage area
Here is a before picture of the living area. This picture was taken before I moved into the house...I currently use it as a work area and that carpet is used as my drop cloth :)
While I am still working through the details of the renovation, I do know that I need to remove the dropped ceiling. This was removed in less than an hour and
Here is what she looks like after 7 hours of work today. Including a bunch of electrical work you can't see.
I will update as I work through the ideas and details of the basement renovation. Thank you for looking!
I am mostly thankful that I was able to remove 20 years of spider webs. I will sleep well tonight! #spiderfreeisthewaytobe
Just in case you missed previous steps and find out why I am completing a basement renovation, you can find that all here:
Step 1: Electrical Inspection
Step 2: Basement Plan of Action
You must have a GREAT job to afford all of this! Our house is definitely not as old as yours but we definitely don't have enough to redo or upgrade any of our rooms that's for sure! LOL Lucky girl!