
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Under Construction

Maybe you've been wondering why the blog posts have come to a halt lately. Well, we are officially under construction...again.

This time, we are working on a different kind of project. More of the human-making kind...

That's right! Mary is baking a little bun. And Justin is taking advantage of the late night french fry cravings.

As for symptoms...All I have to say is morning sickness, sch-morning sickness. No one warned me that that stuff lasts all day. But, I'm happy to report that we are officially in our 2nd trimester, and our little Sweet 'P' is giving momma a break from the all-day nausea.

This growing babe is 13 1/2 weeks and getting harder to hide each day! We are so excited to expand our family and we can't wait to welcome a little human next February.

We'll try not to overload the internet with updates on baby. Especially since I don't want to hurt any feelings on this sensitive subject. But we will certainly have updates on creating a nursery!

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