
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Room Reveal: Guest Bedroom

You  might recognize this space today. Remember when we revealed our spare room turned office space back in March? Here's a refresher for you of what the space looked like after we updated the room to be an office:


Well, it turned out that I never used the office room. Mostly because it still had an echo (and I didn't want any one thinking I was talking to them from the loo!). So, we created a little office nook in our family room. Which gets much more use these days! No more echo-y phone calls! 

Thanks to my sweet little office nook, I no longer needed a room dedicated to an office. We sold the white desk on Craigslist...Only 18 months after I bought it on Craigslist (and after painting it blue...then white). We rolled in a bed and now we have a proper space for guests to kick back and relax.

That full-sized bed was sitting in our other spare room (that we haven't had the time to update quite yet). And since I wasn't actually using this room as an office, it seemed unfair to have our guests stay in a naked room with nothing but a bed in the center.

If you remember from our first office/guest room reveal, we had always planned to convert this space to a guest room, but I didn't expect to hate this room as an office space. Atleast not so soon after completing it! Oh well, no harm done and I just love my new office nook!

This was the easiest switcheroo yet. We moved out the desk and chair that were in the office (we reused the chair in the new nook), and moved in the bed frame, mattress, and all the linens and pillow we were already using in the drab guest room. We didn't touch the shelves or decor on the walls - all of that will remain the same for now.

I even left the printer in place. I just have to remember to refrain from hitting "print" while guests are present otherwise they might get a good scare. :)

This change comes at a great time for us! We have two guests visiting this weekend and each can now have their own room. Although one will have to suffice with a blow up mattress in an otherwise empty spare room.

How about that cute little model? She jumped right up and made herself comfortable while I was snapping pictures. Little attention lover.

No room is complete with out a dachshund reference or two. Can you tell who rules this house?

So long office space! I don't think the guests will miss you one bit.

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