
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Making Plans and Deals

Our family room project has come sooooo far from her birth, but it's still a gigantic mess work in progress. In fact, our entire house is a gigantic work in progress.  I knew that, but I didn't fully realize how much work until I walked an appraiser through the house and had to apologize constantly for the unfinished work.  If you ever want to make yourself feel incredibly lazy, walk a stranger around your house and point out all the unfinished projects.  I swear I finish projects! I just start 99 projects at once...

Anyone else have project ADD?
Let me tell 'ya... It's been a relief to finally curl up in the corner of a couch with a chunky knitted blanket all by my lonesome. With the hubs only 10 feet away.  After 10 months of sharing a loveseat, our continent-sized piece of Crate-and-Barrel heaven was just what the marriage counselor called for.  First, they said, "don't buy a house the year you get married."  Whoops.  Then, they said "definitely don't renovate a house in your first year of marriage."  No problemo for us-o... but having to share a small loveseat for over 10 months? Nobody warned us about that.
Anyway, the man of the house and I were both so over the moon excited to see this room come together for our expected houseguests by the deadline.  But, when we stepped back to take it all in, all we heard was the Price Is Right losing horn...

 We have such big dreams for this room, but with out all the puzzle pieces, it was falling short. 

For our sanity, I had to bring out the camera and Bridget Jones' up this photo to show how gorgeous it can be. 
Here's what we imagine our family room looking like...

A little bit of photoshop magic and my heart is doing a happy dance again.

The open roof truss will be finished with a fancy schmancy wood-stained beam, and the floors will be lightened up with a soft rug.  I'd love to have two cozy armchairs rounding out the seating area around a large 50" square coffee table.

The Mr. and I both gravitate towards the warmer wood tones.  Not to mention that it will tie in with our Dark Walnut hardwood floors much better than something lighter. But it was fun to play around to see how a light tone would do in the room.

The current drapes and rug are temporary.  They were borrowed from other rooms to just get us through Thanksgiving and expected guests. 

I had my eye on a few finishes... all a bit pricey [because, naturally, I only like really expensive things].  Which means that I have to wait until they go on sale. 

One Black Friday deal helped me snag the rug I've been eyeing for the past 18 years months. 

The original price of that beauty is wayyy out of my rug budget.  But I had a feeling that Black Friday would bring about a big sale so I waited around for a few weeks.  My gut feeling was right, and I ordered this as soon as it was marked 75% off.

I also ordered up a few sets of the JCPenny bamboo woven wood shades for the windows during their Black Friday sale. 

The rest of the room will be pieced together as I find items I like.  But the big purchases are done for now.

What kind of Black Friday shopping-cart-stealing deals did you get?

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