
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Blue Apron | A Giveaway

The Blue Apron review I posted last week generated a lot of feedback and interest from you guys. Justin and I have truly enjoyed making dinner with each other and trying new dishes.  And I know you will too!

Blue Apron graciously provided us with a few meals to pass along a few readers.  I am giving away 1 week of Blue Apron meals to two lucky readers!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

All you have to do in order to enter the contest is comment on this post.  Tell me if you're making Thanksgiving dinner and what your plan is for the holiday.

Then click that rafflecopter box to tell me you commented.  Two winners will be chosen next Thursday and announced on this post.

Now turn off that TV, whip up a delicious meal with your roommate, partner, spouse or your mom and enjoy a candlelit meal tonight - you'll need the peace before the football games and family craziness tomorrow!

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I'm going over to my Mom's and know laws to enjoy the feasts! We might pick out a Christmas tree over the weekend!

  2. We are hosting dinner at our house even though my mom's fiancée is cooking and bringing half the meal. We also plan to make a gingerbread house with the girls and go pick out our Christmas tree. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Dinner at my moms...I'm a terrible cook. Happy thanksgiving!!

  4. Cooking dinner at my parents

  5. Cooking a huge feast for our large group of five people! Drinks with some lovely people after :)

  6. I cooked for my family again this year. Small group of five with entirely too much food!

  7. It was my first Thanksgiving that I cooked! It was lovely

  8. Cooked with the wife. My first time handling a turkey

  9. I did not cook, I've been lucky enough to dodge that responsibility lol... I spent thanksgiving with my family, watching the eagles vs. Cowboy game

  10. Had a great Thanksgiving with the family! I didn't do the cooking, but I'm hoping to host next year :)
