
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Even Cupid Would Be Jealous...

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope each and every one of you enjoyed your loved ones today.  We just got back from a huge dinner with friends and my stomach is still recovering from overeating.  And dessert that I definitely didn't have room for.  Oh, that's right...There's always room for dessert. 

Justin and I celebrated our 2nd Valentine's together this year.  Last year, he had to work and we wouldn't see each other that night so I wrote it off.  A few days prior to Valentine's Day I was dealing with a sewer line and plumber crisis as Justin walked in unexpectedly.  He was carrying several bags of groceries and ordered me out of the kitchen while he cooked up a beautiful meal.  He had no idea that a crisis was going on before he walked in - it just worked out perfectly.  That will always be one of my favorite memories.  Especially since it's my only memory of him in the kitchen.   

We did not keep things simple this year.  And therefore breaking every rule of my blog.  I'm not sorry.  I won't bore you with the details, but there was a breakfast delivered to my door at 7am with flowers, tickets to The Lion King, Cards Against Humanity (yes!) and an amazing dinner with our best friends.  Everything but dinner was a surprise.  I've never been the Valentine-celebrating type...but I will never turn down an amazing surprise from my best friend.

Also, I'm not a roses kinda girl, and I love that Justin knows this with out me ever having to say.  He brought me a beautiful mix.  Which I broke up into several vases (okay, mason jars) and spread throughout the house.

I break up bouquets so I have flowers throughout the house rather than just one room.
Justin is a pro at surprises.  He can keep a secret better than the LAPD.  I, on the other hand, can't hold back a detail.  I get so excited about giving gifts that I'll spoil the surprise and give in weeks before.  Which is exactly what I did...

In December Justin won Bubba Watson's golf bag that was used during the 2012 Season - and the bag he used when he won the Master's.  You should have seen Justin when he won the bag - that thing is his pride and joy!  I did some digging around the Internet and found out what Bubba was wearing the day he won the Master's.  He wore a Richard Mille custom watch valued at $524,000.  And with the watch he wore a Travis Mathews Seaside Polo - which just so happens to be more in my price range.  The polo and a framed picture of Bubba wearing the shirt and standing next to his golf bag was my Valentine gift to Justin.  I was so excited by my discovery that I couldn't wait to hand over the gift...two weeks ago.  

I did keep one secret - and that was the card I made.  I saw this idea on Pinterest and wanted to make my own version.  The original source of the pin can be seen here, but it's only available for sale in the UK.  Since I don't live in the UK, I used my best skills in Microsoft Word and created this personalized card just for us.

I even accounted for the leap year.  To keep with my tradition of spoiling a surprise - I may make this every year! 

And as my Valentine gift to anyone interested in creating this for your sweetheart, here is a template (I even gave some room for the lovers who have been together for many thousands of days). 

I love finding creative ways to show your loved one you care.  I saw that one facebook friend's husband littered their home with Glee Valentine's for her to find - each with an endearing sentiment.  It was so simple yet personalized just for her and it was one of my favorite Valentine stories I came across today.  What did you do for your sweetie to show you care? 


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