
Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Basement Remodel: "Finished" to Finished (for less than $2k)

When I purchased my eighty seven year old home with a listing that boasted a "finished basement," I didn't expect much, especially seeing the cost of the house.  Clearly the listing realtor was using the term "finished" lightly.   I refused to show it to visitors and used it as an 800 sq ft heated workshop.

Granted, the previous owner tried to make the most of it on a budget - they painted the oak paneling and covered the tiled floor. 

All I did was remove a saggy ceiling, update with new lighting, add some walls and doors, paint and roll out new flooring.  And get this, it all cost me less than $2,000I doubled the living space in my house for $2,000 and a little bit of sweat!  Now that's stickin' to a budget!    Remember here when I found that the average return on investment for a finished Michigan basement is 66.8%?  I think I'll get every penny back (plus more) for this renovation.  Atleast I think so in my very unprofessional opinion.

Without further ado, here is the new "finished" basement today.... 

Oops... That was the basement yesterday.  Here it is today...

I just snapped my fingers, opened my eyes and bam...there was trim and furniture. 

I wish life happened that way.  My mom and dad asked me to take a few large items off their hands (like the foosball table) - which I promised to grab once my basement was complete.  On Saturday, since my basement was looking pretty darn complete, Justin and I drove out to my parents and loaded up our truck (and theirs) with these items.  My parents were happy to get rid of them, and I was happy to, most of it.  Dad offered me a mid-century modern table (that belonged to his father).  He has tried several times to give this to me, but I just didn't have a use for a table that swiveled and then opened up to become a bar.  Except this time, Justin's eyes got really big and he began to drool.  What is with men and furniture that turns into a bar?  Okay, stupid question.  I took it with one condition - it would be given a makeover.

We also managed to convince guilt-trip my parents into helping us put the final touches on the basement.  My plan finally worked and they followed us home!  My dad cut the baseboards, I installed them with liquid nails and a nail gun (I always take the job that allows me to use the nail gun...I <3 nail guns), and mom filled and sanded the nail holes.  Where was Justin? He was putting together "his" bar and building the foosball table.  Is anyone surprised?  Me neither.  And the pups? They supervised us the whole time.  (I love that Joe had to go up to the next step to see over the gate #shortdogproblems).

In less than four hours the basement had trim (and a foosball table).  And after a quick game of getting our butts kicked by my parents at foosball - we headed to the bar for a celebratory burger and beer. 

Two months is how long this transformation took.  It didn't control my life and I was able to do other projects at the same time.  And I kept way under my, me, I'm pretty happy.  And Justin...he's basically moved in.  I couldn't get rid of him now even if I wanted to.  He is already calling this HIS basement...hmm. 

The chairs are the only new addition thus far (I snagged them from Overstock on an amazing deal), but everything else has been reused from other rooms or from my parents.  The sideboard was moved from the dining room here, and the bar table sitting between the chairs was the one Justin grabbed from my parents house (both will be refinished).  This room is far from being complete with regards to decor.  It will continue to progress - I'll keep the updates coming. 

Here is Justin's favorite part of the basement...maybe it's because his prized golf bag fits perfectly in the built-in...


And I'm happy because I freed up a cabinet in the kitchen since we moved the liquor downstairs.

The yoga room also saw significant change.  Converting from my workshop to a great little relaxing nook.

The dresser in the yoga room has been sitting in the basement for over 18 months since my best friend and I swapped bedroom furniture in 2010 (I traded my modern furniture for her family heirloom - which needed to be refinished).  I painted it white but then stopped not knowing what else to do with it.  I'm still looking for ideas or inspiration. Until then, it will sit in my yoga room.  Hopefully since the space is finished it will motivate me to finally finish the dresser.

There is still much to do down here.  Like this...

I have plans to build a box to cover the sump pump, which will hide the eyesore and serve as a shelf to hold a few plants.

The basement might look like it's almost done.  But don't let the pictures above fool you.  Behind the door of the yoga room is my secret hoarding place.  The multi-purpose room... mechical/laundry/workshop/storage/throw-everything-in-here area.  Yes, that is my miter saw sitting on top of a vintage trunk.  And right now it's serving as an excuse not to do laundry...

Messes stress me out so you can bet that this won't look this way for long.

In the spirit of sharing our progress...get ready for the list of what remains to be completed:
  • Install 1" trim below water meter access and built-in
  • Install threshold between yoga room and play room
  • Build box shelf around sump pump
  • Refinish bar table
  • Paint sideboard
  • Build shelves within the built-in
  • Install a wall-length shelf for decor
  • Install TV (Justin would prefer this is closer to the top of the list)
  • Get a couch for downstairs
  • Finally build my new kitchen table so the round dining table can be placed as the Euchre table in basement
  • Paint basement bathroom
  • Organize storage space
  • Paint multipurpose room floor
  • Refinish workshop (with peg board surround for organizing)
  • Build shelving around the washer/dryer never ends.  I will continue to update on the transformation and decor as I progress. But for's time to party! With water.  And if you spill on the carpet you may suffer the consequences...

What rooms have you redone lately? Do you always have a disaster going on behind a pretty room makeover?  A room is always getting neglected when I'm in the middle of a project like this.  Not everyone needs a yoga room - that's just my name for a room too short to house a treadmill.  What would you use the nook room for?



  1. great job, Mary! it looks great!!

  2. Hi, I love your posts about basement renovation. My husband and I have been in the throes of an overhaul since last fall. (I won't count the months anymore, since initially we thought it'd be done in three! HA!) It's our first house so naturally a learning process. For example-- we tore up that 9x9 asbestos tile, wearing masks and wetting it down. Then, craziest of all, we rented a diamond bit floor grinder to remove the old tar adhesive (also involving a garden hose and a shop vac)... all because I thought "what if we paint the concrete?" The old tile was in pretty bad shape though. And now it's done. But never again! *_* I especially appreciate your post about DIY spray painting your ceiling, I think it will help us with this process! You must be in Michigan, eh? Shout out from Ann Arbor.

  3. I think this is great idea of renovating this basement as the images which you have posted is awesome as compared to before. The work is wonderful and now i think you love to enjoy your time at your basement rather than your upper house. I am also thinking for remodeling mine. I lived in north Virgina and now i think i need to look for basement remodeling Northern Virginia who can provide me this type of basement.
