
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Sticks and Moss - A Spring Tour

Happy spring-eve!  Yup, that's right.  Spring officially starts tomorrow.  And we have packed away the pinecones and cable knit pillow covers and we don't want to see them again until next winter.  Bring on the tulips! Except that I forgot to pick up flowers to make it look like I always have fresh blooms. Well... maybe next year.

Anywho, here's what we did to freshen up the colors in our home.  Nothing ground-breaking.  Just a bunch of moss, sticks, and terra cotta pots. Oh and these eggs I got in the dollar aisle at Target!

In past years, I spray painted real eggs and used them as décor.  This was way easier... and you can't beat $1 for 6 decorative eggs. Target for the win!

I swapped out pillow covers with lighter versions that I already had in my stock.  I have a tiny obsession with pillows, which aren't so easy to store.  In order to control the growing mountain of pillows in the basement I try to buy just the pillow covers - which are cheaper. Look, honey, I'm saving us money!

All three of those pillow covers are from Ikea over the years (which are only about $5-$10 each).

My favorite part of our spring décor is the natural colored moss.  I went a little crazy with it. We use a mango dough bowl on our coffee table to swap out the seasonal decor.  I tossed the (dried out) pine needles and replaced it with moss, a terra cotta pot, and a little wooden bunny.  It adds a pop of color to my very muted room.

My favorite kind of décor is the easy-to-store-when-it's-not-in-season kind. Like these botanical prints. Which I grabbed off the internet and printed off at home... for free. I have a few rotating prints that I store in the frames behind the picture (pine needle botanical prints, and a Christmas-y limerick). It takes 5 minutes to swap all of these out and it helps keep the look fresh.

I remember when I first moved into my apartment.  I hated little kitchy items, and prided myself on being so practical.  I was so boring back then. My house is full of knick knacks now.  And if a piece of furniture has a top on it, it will have knick knacks.

The spring vignette by the front door was thrown together using sticks from the yard and some extra moss.

Here's a close up of the bunny.  (He's from World Market... but I can't find him on the website)

Some more sticks tossed into a vase and voila. We have yet another spring-ified furniture top.

And finally, my house wouldn't be complete with a mason jar or two.

Happy Spring, everyone!  Sending some warm thoughts over to our friends on the east coast.

Well, it's movie night with the hubs so I'm off to watch Foxcatcher.  I hope you enjoyed the spring tour! Even with out tulips.

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