
Monday, February 23, 2015

New Name, New Face

Yes, you read that right, I've changed the name and the face of the blog.

I started this blog in 2012 just as a creative outlet to share my passion of renovating and creating.  I didn't know what direction I wanted the blog to go in, but I have worked diligently to constantly improve the quality.  I invested in editing software and a nice camera, dug up those basic photography skills from my early college days and started taking better pictures.  I evaluated the content and focused on the topics that got the most clicks.  So this is the next step to upgrade the quality and make the reading experience better for... you.

We changed the name, and in turn, the design of the header. While I liked the "Lovely Roost" the name had a more feminine appeal.  We opted to create a title that would generate a brand that Justin and I could both be proud of.  We feel that the new brand of our site is one in which better represents us and what our goal is with any house we've purchased; turning an old house into a home fit for a modern family.  The new fonts we used are gender neutral too.  You're welcome, man reader.

You may have noticed that I have not updated my domain name yet.  I've done this in the past and learned the hard way that it can leave a lot of broken links.  I'll update the URL later.  In the meantime, you can still access this site by visiting either link below:
You'll also notice a new template that makes navigating a bit easier.  I follow several blogs and I like to read sites that are easy to navigate through. 

The toolbar is the same, it is now "sticky" so it'll remain at the top of your browser as you scroll down.  This toolbar is also accessible on the mobile version in the pull-down box at the top of the screen.

  • Home - routes back to the main page
  • Gallery - all of my projects added in one easy to find space (this is showing up really weird in my browser.  I'm working to fix this).
  • Current Home Tour - click to see an up-to-date before and after tour of our current home
  • 1st Home Tour - click to see before and after pictures of my first house
  • About Me - a little about us
  • Wedding Roost - a failed attempt to start a spin-off blog 

I know that when I follow a blog that I connect with, I begin to feel like I know the writer and their style.  So I am always curious about what these bloggers do in their free time (in a total, non-creepy sort of way); I want to know what they're pinning on Pinterest, where they find their antiques, and what makeup they like best.  I get that... and I also get that it sounds really creepy when you say it out loud.  That's why I have made it easy for you, the readers, to find me (in a non-creepy sort of way).  Check out that fancy column on the right side of your screen (on desktop or web version) for links to follow me through social media or blog feeds  --------------------------------------------->

I try to maintain some privacy, so I only share my project posts on Facebook.  If you want to know what I'm working on now, check out Instagram.  I'm always behind in sharing progress on the blog so you can see me post real time photos over there.  Click that link for Pinterest if you want to see what I'm pinning.  Bloglovin' is a blog feed for following multiple blogs - updates are posted in a news reel sort of way so it's easy to read all the new blog posts from your favorite bloggers. You're welcome to contact me with the email link.  And finally, if you just want to receive my blog updates to your email, click the Subscribe button and enter your email address.   

You'll also see my latest Instagram and Pinterest posts in the sidebar as well.

Scroll down a bit and you'll notice a list of links to my most popular posts in the right hand column.  These are the most read posts since I started my blog... I know some of these are poorly written.  Forgive me, I was a newbie.  Many of these readers found my blog through Pinterest or link parties where I shared them.  Except for my most popular post, google has LOVED my white ceiling post.  So, thank you for the reference, Google! (I plan to rewrite that post one day so it sounds more professional... geesh)

I've only ever shared my blog posts with friends on Facebook and Instagram, and I have posted a few projects and tutorials over the years on Pinterest and through a few link parties.  I haven't done anything to actually grow the readership of my blog.  I focus on the projects and not on the numbers. 

I never anticipated that my blog would amount to anything. I don't know if it ever will; just the simple fact that a few of you read this makes me so happy and that's really all I need!  I do love sharing my experiences, designs and ideas and I hope you don't mind the occasional share on Facebook.  I've been asked if I make any money blogging (I don't), but that's definitely an idea for down the road.  Right now, I like the casual schedule.  My passion is in the projects, not the writing - so I'll keep it that way for now.  I don't plan to ever earn a paycheck from blogging, but I do hope to continue the posts. 

Here's what keeps me sharing our projects and progress... I get emails, text messages, and phone calls from you guys.  And I love it. Whether you ask my opinion on hardwood floor stain colors or where I find my favorite pillows I am so happy to answer your questions.  That keeps me writing and sharing.  That kind of stuff is my passion and I am so happy to share my experiences (good and bad) with you!

If you feel obliged, please share my blog with your friends. Like my Facebook page and follow me on Instagram, and ask your friends to do the same.  But mostly, keep the texts, emails, and phone calls coming! 

Thank you so so much for reading!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Cassie! I also just noticed today that you started yours again. I'm so excited to see that you're back!
