Friday, January 30, 2015

Detroit DIY Show - American Rehab

Justin and I are enjoying an after-dinner cocktail with our friends right now...or we would be had tonight gone as planned.  Instead, Justin is being quarantined in the bedroom until this bug is removed from the house.  What a rude bug to hit at 5:30 on a Friday evening; perfect timing to destroy a weekend.

So now I'm writing a blog post on a Friday night while I sit in our new family room... curled up next to a bottle of Lysol.  My plan for the rest of the evening is to avoid my sick hubby catch up on a new show local to the D.  I sound like a horrible wife.  Look, there's a reason I chose a career in sales and not nursing.  

If you know me, you know I don't have the attention span for most TV. Yet, give me a book and I'll camp out on the couch all weekend. 

All this means is that, unless they starred in Friends, I have no idea who most celebrities are. With the exception to one group of people that I admire so much I will track them down if they are within a 300 mile radius. 

Like when I stalked met Josh Temple...

And when I hung out with Nicole Curtis - (pre-HGTV debut when she had time for us small folk).

Yeah, all of that was just shameless gloating to prove that I know them... okay, met them once.

Anywhoo... if you watch DIY network, you may know that a show debuted last night called American Rehab - Detroit.  That's right, a rehab show in my own backyard! I just might be able to commit to watching this!

What's even better is that the show is all about a young family who are rehabbing their Boston Edison District home - the same home that was previously owned by the man's family in the 1920's.  They're doing a lot of the work themselves.  Now, how do I become BFF's with these people??

In this April 2013 photo, Christopher Lee holds an

There are only 6 episodes, two of which aired last night.  If you're interested in watching along you can catch the next 4 episodes on DIY network February 5th and February 12th at 9pm.  I'm sure you can catch the reruns of episodes 1 and 2 if you check the DIY Network schedule.

Now excuse me while I get back to sterilizing my home.  Anyone know where I can find a surgical mask?

1 comment :

  1. I LOVE Nicole Curtis She is pretty vocal on FB too! :)


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