
Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Best Homemade Sea Salt Scrub (in Lavender, of course)

I have been on the hunt for a great sea salt scrub for a while now.  You know, a natural exfoliant to renew skin and moisturize in those dry, wintry months.   

Everything I found was either too rough, too sticky, too oily or too chemical-ly (yeah, that's a word).

My brother's wife's sister (got all that?) made this mix, shared it with me, and I had to share it with all of you because it really is the best.

I've tested it.

I worked off of her recipe and found what I think is the best combination to give great results.

And now it's time to share the love. 

Here are the ingredients to make the best sea salt scrub. ever:

Lavender Sea Salt Scrub

  • 1/2 c. Almond Oil (you can also use Extra Virgin Olive Oil, but EVOO is more fragrant and it may become rancid over time)
  • 1/2 c. Coconut Oil (not shown - I use Organic Virgin Coconut Oil which is solid at room temperature)
  • 2 c. Fine Ground Sea Salt (make sure it is fine ground...anything more course will just scratch your skin)
  • 6 drops of Vitamin E Oil (or 6 capsules with the gel squeezed out)
  • 20 drops of Lavender Oil*
  • 1/4 c. Lavender Buds (optional)*
Unless your household is 78 degrees, the Coconut Oil will be solid.  Place the jar of Coconut Oil in hot water and let it liquefy (I would not recommend microwaving it).  Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix thoroughly.  This should make 2 generous jars of Sea Salt Scrub.  This stuff lasts a long time - I've had my mixture for 4 months and it still smells like it was freshly made.

*You can swap out the lavender oil for your favorite oil of choice.

To use:
  1. Place a quarter-sized amount of sea salt in the palm of your freshly-washed hands (wet or dry). Rub your hands together for 2-3 minutes making sure to exfoliate cuticles, in between fingers, palms and back of hand.
  2. Wash salt mixture off hands under warm water. Your hands will feel oily. This is a good thing.
  3. Pat hands dry. Feel the goodness.
I would recommend exfoliating 2-3 times a week. I understand that you may love this so much that you'll want to use this every day, several times a day. I did this. It was not a good idea.  

Works great as a body scrub too!  I wash with my favorite Everyday Shea Body Wash, then lightly scrub all over with the Lavender Sea Salt Scrub, rinse off the salt, then pat the water off with a towel.  On the days that I use the sea salt scrub I don't need to moisturize with anything else. 

As always, exfoliate before shaving legs.  I wouldn't recommend exfoliating and shaving on the same day anyway.  The oils could gunk up the razor blades and render the blades useless. 

I like to pair my salt scrub with a spoon or spreader to get the mixture out of the jar. This will keep the mixture fresh longer (since you're not placing dirty/wet fingers in the jar).

I found this antique spreader at an estate sale earlier this year (4 for a $1 - gotta love a bargain). 

I try to make all of my household products myself - especially beauty products that I put on my skin daily.  I love when I find a great recipe for a homemade product that works better than any other commercially produced and bottled product on the market - and even better when I already have the ingredients in my kitchen!



1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary! I totally read your blog!!! I love to read all the progress your making on your home (I can't wait to see! ) and your DIY goods are pretty awesome!
