Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Starbucks Fake: Almond Biscotti

I started this blog back in September just as a place to post my ideas, projects and randomness...today I noticed that my little page tracker hit 12,000 views!! Okay, so this isn't big numbers to some...but for me I'm shocked, excited and flattered! The average view per post is 226 and my mason jar chandelier has seen over 1,192 page views!  Holy craziness!!  I would guess it was my mom clicking on my pages to up my readership...but my own mother doesn't follow me. I have to call her and tell her when I post something otherwise she'll never read it.  Even then I still don't think she visits. I still love you, Mom. :) Thank you to all who read my little blog - you guys rock! And please feel free to say hello in the comments! It's like Christmas morning for me when I see a new message! :)   

I spent some time in San Diego back in 2004-2006, and the best part of my short time there was meeting some fabulous new friends.  I met a few girls that became my rock throughout my time there, we'll call them D & M.  They are both San Diego natives that took me in and showed me the ropes; awesome girls that I still keep in touch with today.  M, the one in the middle, got me completely hooked on Starbucks and mostly, the Starbucks Almond Biscotti.  M and I worked together during that time, and we would sneak away to Starbucks to grab a coffee and biscotti.  I love a SB White Chocolate Mocha with the almond biscotti - and to this day it still reminds me of my sweet friends. 

From left to right, D, M and me in 2006
 (that's me with a tan...gasp!! Even I couldn't stay out of that Cali sun)
Thank goodness Starbucks still carries these little almond treats 9 years later, except they've become just that, very little.  The size has been chopped in half and the cost has remained the same.  I get it...costs everywhere have gone up.  But seriously?  Chop it in half??

I rarely go to Starbucks anymore because of the astronomical costs.  Even in the fall, I have no reason to since I've perfected the Pumpkin Spice Latte at home (here is a dead on recipe I've used for a few years now - I use the seasonal Pumpkin Butter from TJ's and cut out the sugar) - and it doesn't cost me $5 a cup.   

Recently, Justin and I stopped by Starbucks for a hot treat during a cold night on our way to the movie theater.  I ordered the biscotti and white chocolate mocha and was reminded of a fun time with friends.  While I could never convince those girls to move to Michigan, I can recreate the biscotti to enjoy at home. 

I went on a search for the perfect biscotti recipe, tried a few in the past few weeks and fell short (they were still yummy, but not Starbucks $2 biscotti good).  Thanks to a recommendation by a dear friend I tested out Martha Stewart's recipe for Cherry Almond Biscotti and found an instant winner and a dead ringer for the SB version (once I left out the cherries). 

They turned out amazing!  Better than the Starbucks version, and a fraction of the cost.  Which means that I can indulge in one of these every morning (a little reward after running my butt off on the treadmill).  If you've been searching for the best biscotti recipe (or the Starbucks knock-off version) search no further.  Further proof that Martha Stewart is a genius... 

I made a few changes to the Martha Stewart recipe only so I didn't have to go to the grocery store to get items I didn't already have on hand.  If you happen to love dried cherries, I would recommend just sticking to the MS version (even though you can still substitute the amaretto with almond extract, but still skip step 1 since you won't have to cook down the amaretto).

Starbucks Fake:  Almond Biscotti

3 c. All-Purpose Flour (this is important...I tried to use Whole Wheat and it lacked depth)
2 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Course Salt or Sea Salt
4 T Butter (room temperature)
1 c. Sugar
4 Large Eggs (3 whole, 1 lightly beaten)
2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
1/2 tsp. Almond Extract
3/4 c. Slivered Almonds
3 T Sanding Sugar (I used turbinado sugar)

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt into a bowl.  In a separate bowl add butter and sugar, then mix with electric mixer on medium speed for 2 min.  Mix in 3 whole eggs, one egg at a time.  Add vanilla and almond extracts.  Reduce speed to low and mix in flour mixture.  Stir in almonds.

2.  On a lightly floured surface, halve dough.  Shape each half into a 12 1/2 by 2 1/2-inch log.  Flatten logs to 1/2 in. thick.  Transfer to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (or a Sil-pat).  Brush logs with beaten egg and sprinkle with sanding sugar.  (I also sprinkled one log with chocolate chips and lighly pressed them into the dough).

3.  Bake 35 min.  Remove from oven and allow to cool slightly.  Slice the biscotti into 3/4 in. thick angled slices and space them out slightly on the baking sheet.  Reduce oven to 300 degrees.

4.  Place sliced biscotti back into oven for an additional 10-15 minutes.  Let cool until crisp.  Store in an appropriate mason jar.

Don't forget the most important step to store your homemade treats in a mason jar.  Everything should be stored in mason jars.  

These will also be the perfect addition to a Sunday morning Easter Breakfast.  Don't ya think?

Invite over some girlfriends for good gossip, brew up some coffee (may I recommend Dunkin' Donuts medium roast?), present them with the most perfect biscotti and make some sweet memories with your friends!



  1. Not true love mom

    1. Hi Mom! First, I'm glad to see that you figured out how to comment. Second, I had to call you to tell you to read this.

      Get me something nice from Florida! ;)

      Love, Mary


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