
Monday, November 12, 2012

Refrigerator Snafu

The weather in Michigan this past weekend was beautiful, and completely unusual.  Normally the first snow will fall right around my birthday (which is the first week of November).  Instead it seemed to be borderline beach weather - and while it was perfect weather for a little hike, I took advantage of the temperature by working 'round the house.  I know how to have a good time.

The good news is that I finally crossed off a big to-do that has been lingering for 15 months, along with a few other projects. Here is one project that I can call it almost complete.

I designed my kitchen using a program that allows you to input measurements of your kitchen and then design away.  I used that program as my resource.  The place I referenced if I needed to know how wide a cabinet should be or where a light should be moved.  If my measurements were, say, a little tiny inch off it would cause chaos.  Funny story.  I was an inch off.  That's right.  I made a mistake.  In fact I've made a lot of mistakes, but the one I will own up to in this post is the refrigerator/pantry snafu.
I knew it would be tight when designing.  I had a 24 inch pantry and a 35 7/8" Refrigerator to fit in a 60" spot.  No, I did not account for "breathing room" for the refrigerator.  A refrigerator doesn't need much room, but it does need room to be moved in and out, and room for the doors to swing open.  Oops.  Big oops.  I couldn't live with the fact that my pantry protruded past the wall 1 1/2 inches.  I've hated it for the past 18 months, but it had to go.  So I sold the 36" refrigerator this past May and replaced it with a smaller version.  The photo above shows the new 33" refrigerator, you can see the pantry that extends beyond the wall.

Once I finally resolved the space issue, I had plans to build a custom built in with storage above.  I've been planning this since I designed my kitchen, but I had to get creative because Ikea does not carry a cabinet that fits a 33" refrigerator.  On top of that, my cabinets are not white - they are white washed and proved to be very difficult when color matching.  Then one day last month it hit me...make the built-in look like it's a wall!  That way I don't have to color match.  Genius.  So that's exactly what I did.  I put together a plan, considered doing it myself except I don't have a table saw, and any related help with experience and tools were weeks out.

Thankfully, Saturday and Sunday I was able to secure some time with the contractor at the last minute making the built-in refrigerator a possibility sooner than I thought.  With 14 hours between the two days dedicated to work, we were able to complete all the weekend projects - which was way beyond my expectations.  I handed him my design and off we went to HD.
To keep costs down I work with the contractor as his assistant.  He does the measurements and I give my opinion.  I design, he builds, I do the finish work (filling nail holes, sanding, caulking and painting).  I am very thankful that he allows me to work with him not only for the cost savings, but also for the knowledge he provides.  He answers my questions and explains why one product is better over another.  Apparently you have to pay a man to take direction from you. :)

Justin and I had a Thanksgiving dinner with his roommates planned for Saturday evening so I had to leave mid-project.  Dave did an amazing job with the turkey, and there were these Bacon Wrapped Date things that were phenomenal.  So worth it - and even better when I came home to this!  I think any DIY'er can understand the thrill of handing the reins over. 
The surround is built like a cabinet.  The box is made of plywood and the face is created from Poplar (which paints up really nice and doesn't require any sanding with the exception of rough cut edges and the random flyaway edge). The contractor came back Sunday morning to trim out the new surround and also help me create one more surprise project (which I'll reveal tomorrow).  

I have to admit that my blood pressure may have increased when I stepped back to see my kitchen as a big dusty mess again.  This was taken at 7:00am on Sunday as I was prepping the new built-in for primer and paint.  This is what I do for fun :)
It's all worth it to see it finally come together...
Justin and I frequent wineries; we've visited six wine regions in the last year alone.  Our storage looks pretty full so we need to plan additional wine storage or maybe start drinking more.

I need to install the crown molding, base molding and adjust the feet on the refrigerator.  There is a reward for a missing tiny wrench that adjusts refrigerator feet.  The built-in really draws your eye upwards and the openness of the wine rack mimics the open shelves on the opposite wall. 

I'm a very happy homeowner to cross this project off and call it almost done.

To Do List:

492) Create built-in refrigerator     and pay someone else to build it :)

Thankfully, I have a very understanding man friend.  He had to watch football all weekend while I got to play with power tools.  Poor guy ;)

I'll be staring at the new additions to my home if you need to find me...


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